Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Mother's Love

A mothers love should have no limits, its unconditional right? Well thats just what they say, but thats comes from the mothers who's children didn't seem to stray; life takes toll and then that nightmare of yours suddenly becomes real, that endless love, remember that mom is that still how you feel? You slowly drift away and unknowingly turn away from us and then we're left alone with no one there to trust, remember my first love the one who took my virginity, well I remember you saying that he wasn't good enough for me, I hated how you did that just accentuated his flaws, but I swore you would never see a glimpse of what I saw, so many times we fought and I left to be with him, the many times I lied to you to go commit a sin, I was so hateful towards you I mean ever word drawn me farther away, its like kicking me out of your life with everything you would say; and I thought this was the end of us until it came a day, when I came home crying and you pulled me close and said "Baby, it will be ok", the anger you had built up inside had suddenly been cleared, and the hatred I accumulated had quickly disappeared, I took comfort in you which I hadn't done in a while and you consoled me, your daughter, your seed, you first born child....

I lvoe you Mommy regardless of everything!

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