Monday, April 21, 2008

A Real Friend

I'm 4yrs old and and while sitting in the sandbox a 6yr old comes and snatches my bottle and begins drinking my milk :(
A friend would share theirs with me, but a real friend would put they bottle down and go after the 6yr old yelling "Janel get the bottle" lol

I'm 10 yrs old and my 4th grade teacher left a note in my book for my mom about how I been misbehaving in class :(
A friend would feel bad and bring the homework over after school, but a real friend would photo copy the note and get in trouble with me so we can have each other to talk to in detention.

I'm 16 yrs old and I think I might be pregnant :( but I'm scared to take a pregnancy test
A friend would be asking mad questions like who's the baby father? did you tell your mom?, but a real friend only wants to know when I'm going to the clinic so she can skip class to come with me.

I'm 20 and I'm 5 months pregnant and I just found out my baby died, I'm in the hospital bed starving because I'm not supposed to eat before the operation :(
A friend is waiting to hear from me to see how I'm doing because she heard I lost the baby, but a real friend is in the cafeteria of the hospital sneaking me some food before my surgery.

I'm 30yrs old and my boyfriend of 7yrs just proposed to me :)
A friend would be calling to congratulate me on the good news, but a real friend would be at my house slapping the shit out of me because she knows the bullshit I went through with this guy for the past 7yrs and she cant believe I'm still with him let alone marrying him.

I'm 60yrs old and I'm planning to retire, All my friends decide to throw me a retirement party
A friend would show up with some knitted quilts and arts &crafts, a real friend would slip me a bottle of Moet with a note saying "Once these old hags leave the real fun begins ;) You ready for Chocolate Thunder?"

I'm on my death bed and there's one last thing I want but I can't seem to get the words out :(
A friend would be by my side asking "What is it? What can I get you?", but a real friend would be in their car heading back from McDonald's bringing me my double cheeseburger so I can die with a smile on my face :)

I love all my friends both the real and not so real... Lmao

Thursday, April 17, 2008

He's a reflection of me

It's crazy how I look at you and don't see what I thought I would, but as I look at myself I see things that I never thought I could, when you speak I disregard your image, I see the power behind your words, and when you laugh I don't see your smile but the reason for your joy, and when you cry I don't see see your tears but what it is causing your pain, When you stare with such compassion there's a lost soul in yours eyes, your powerful voice drains out the noise but I hear your silent cries, its like deep within you is a profound reflection of me, it seems the deeper i look into you, the more of myself I see, we wondered would the same rules apply if the tables turned as we stared into each other trying to establish this bond we earned, you looked into my wandering eyes and saw direction, behind my fear you saw protection, as I spoke of my insecurities you heard pride in my voice, and in my painful tears was courage beyond my years, but thats not what I am, thats the soul of another man, you said right, what we've established it true, If you divide my hurt, multiply my strength, and add my love the result would be you....

I love you Daddy regardless of everything :) I am definitely my father's child!

A Mother's Love

A mothers love should have no limits, its unconditional right? Well thats just what they say, but thats comes from the mothers who's children didn't seem to stray; life takes toll and then that nightmare of yours suddenly becomes real, that endless love, remember that mom is that still how you feel? You slowly drift away and unknowingly turn away from us and then we're left alone with no one there to trust, remember my first love the one who took my virginity, well I remember you saying that he wasn't good enough for me, I hated how you did that just accentuated his flaws, but I swore you would never see a glimpse of what I saw, so many times we fought and I left to be with him, the many times I lied to you to go commit a sin, I was so hateful towards you I mean ever word drawn me farther away, its like kicking me out of your life with everything you would say; and I thought this was the end of us until it came a day, when I came home crying and you pulled me close and said "Baby, it will be ok", the anger you had built up inside had suddenly been cleared, and the hatred I accumulated had quickly disappeared, I took comfort in you which I hadn't done in a while and you consoled me, your daughter, your seed, you first born child....

I lvoe you Mommy regardless of everything!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Play it Safe...

How many of you use a condom every single time? Thats great! as for the rest of you let me school you real quick! Smh I'm ashamed!

I bet 80% of you who don't always use a condom has experienced a STD whether it was something minor that took just one trip to the doctor to get rid of. You got lucky! It only takes one time to slip up with the wrong person. You can catch something that is not curable and can do serious damage to your health and you can get something that is with you for life that your quite not prepared for...A child!

My experience with not using a condom I didn't catch and STD but I got pregnant which can be just as heartbreaking depending on how you look at it, I bet you I use one every single time now! Sex is a big responsibility and I don't want to sound like a Sex-Ed teacher but I know alot about it. I do it so much I should make a profession out of it (LMAO Inside Joke) but anyway I read up on these things I need to know what I'm getting myself into...& you should too!

But neways Condoms are cheap, easily accessible there is no excuse! Please strap up and ladies double check don't let these niggas go in raw! Ughhh just imagine if they are willing to sleep with you without protection how many other girls are they just as willing with.. It's nasty!
If your funds are low stop by I have a stash in my room and I'm willing to help out anyone in need :) If your nervous about buying them from the store give me the money I will be happy to go for you. Ladies guys are not responsible for having the condoms OK! If you are sexually active or sexually hyperactive in some cases please carry a condom or four with you when going out! there isn't nothing worse then being unprepared... Sex sometimes just happens and you don't want to ruin your night because you didn't bring a condom!

Safe Sex.... I support it 100%

Mad random I know :-/ Lmao

One hell of a drug!

OH SHIT that looks real familiar.... Anyone who's ever experienced our cocktail night or came out partying with us and made it back home with us knows what I'm talking about lol Alcohol is one hell of a drug... I'm sorry but I'm addicted! :( I cant speak on behalf of all addicts because I never experienced their "drug" but I can talk about mine :)

Alcohol~ Its like a liquid beverage that can be taken in the form of a shot sipped over a period of time mixed with other beverages, taken straight like a G ;) thats how I prefer mine lol
Some are sweet some are sour, some have no taste, others are unbearable (Patron) some stink some smell good, some go down easy others burn the hell out your throat! there is such a variety there something out there for everyone lol What I like about alcohol is it erases your inhibitions... Any physical or mental issue that worried you will no longer be in mind! who wouldn't want to live with no inhibitions! It gives you a feeling that you cant explain but your smiling (well I know I always am) lol Now that I sold you on its benefits let me fill you in on the minor consequences!

Alcohol may cause:
- Loss of items
-Loss of memory
-Loss of friends
-Violent tendencies
-Bladder problems
-Multiple sex partners
-Bad breath
-Car accidents (If you decide to drive)
-Money problems
-Pot belly
-Liver cancer
-Liver failure
But ya know every action has reaction :) Drink Responsibly!

P.S. Thats probably how I lost my phone and cant remember why :( lmao

Your business or mine?!

My bff's blog brought up a very good topic that I feel I have to speak on! Go check out her blog

Now how many of you have been questioned by a friend, loved one, or just some nosy ass person who really has no business questioning you?

Where are you going? Simple enough right but let me ask you this if your having a conversation with someone and you ask what are you doing tonight and they say "going out" that is "general" meaning they don't want to go any further into that answer so why the hell would you ask where are you going? Damnit didn't they just say "OUT"

Who are you with? Another simple question right actually no because when people ask this they are usually referring to names. First of all if the person says I'm going out obviously its with someone if they wanted you to know who then they would have said "I'm going out with ________" But they didn't "Hint" So now you ask "with who" and what do they say? another "general answer" I'm going out with "friends" or "a friend" But that answer is never good enough! SMH

What you doing there? This is just pushing it...Does it really matter if your not there why do you care?

Why are you with them? Isn't it obvious? Because they fucking want to be! I'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 people aren't gonna be around people willingly that they don't want to be around lol

Why you do that? This question is the most annoying! Why?! I can give a reason sure a fully detailed one explaining exactly why I chose to do what I did but the real question is would you understand my reasoning? Most people don't want to know why because they already know they just don't understand but hey guess what thats not my problem!

What you need that for? This question is iffy, I mean if I'm asking you for something then have the right to ask but If I got it from else where please don't ask what I needed it for, It really doesn't concern you!

Now when the day comes and I feel no type of way about answering all of these questions to a person.... I think I found the one! LMAO

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Love of My Life

... You thought I was gonna say a name didnt you lol well to tell you the truth I dont know :-/

There was J*** :( I thought it was him boy was I wrong those of you who know me know who Im talking about being that I have his name tattooed on me :-/ Mistake? No! A careless decision? Yes! No regrets just learning... Three years of rocky roads finally lead me to a dead end and I refused to stay there.... BFF to the rescue lol here she came with here rock climbing equiptment and out I was! Thanx boo!

There was C******* what an experience! A highschool crush turn into a relationship from hell... It was good at first I mean arent they all? The nicest, coolest, funniest guy I met lol arent they all? but neways ...Abused in all aspects definitely was a wake up call! Im better than that! Love shouldnt ever cost your health smh Only took a couple months for me to realize that! SMH Psycho turned stalker, I try to keep my distance seems we just keep crossing paths... God help me!

There was T****** definitely not the love of my life but he had his impact.... R.I.P my baby boy thats all Im gonna say! :'( He gave me first child but God then took him away... God makes no mistakes!

There is S****** Now hes my homie! Known him for over 5 years and nothings changed... He's the realest nigga I know! He's cool as hell, honest, considerate, hilarious, smart, cute (in my opinion) , Wait...Why arent I with him?! HMMMMM Im a get back to yall on that ;)

There is M********I think I found the one :-* Hes the love of my life as of right now!Lol

There is M**** Now alot of you wouldnt expect him to be on my list but I think I loved him the most out of everyone.... He had me doing things I never thought I would do. I was crazy in love. He controlled my life for the past two years. He was all I could think about and all I wanted! It wasnt healthy at all I jeopardized my life a few times for him SMH Never Again! I learned he isn't everything and I have to put myself first... I still love him but hes's no longer the love of my life... Plus I heard "He's the root of all evil" Ya digg!

Well that about sums it up from past to present.... The love"s" of my life LMAO


Ok excuse me if I seeem to ramble on but I have alot to say!

I miss my bestfriend... Ever since Downstate decide to relieve me of my position in the OT Dept. which I was so comfortable with, I havent seen my roomie :( They moved me way across town to the Opthamology Dept. which happens to be right accross the street from her school. But ironically I now get out at 5 and she gets out at 4 so shes in class by the time I get off... Ughhhh! The world is hating on our friendship... dont be mad that we are close cuz we can not see each other for a year and still be the best of friends lol

Ok now school is going good... I think the man is tryna keep me down! im getting all A's in my classes but I cant be on in the Honors Prgram... why you ask? because they dont offer honors classes to night students1 wtf! I cant be smart and work lol its ridiculous... How they expect me to pay for school?

My roomie is thinking about moving to B-more hmmmm never thought about it but I know one thing she aint leaving me! The only person in this world that I can depend on and if she wants to move to B-more I'm a have to start applying to some schools out there lol For spring break we going down there, I guess we can check it out!

I have alot to say about my love life... If you wanna even call it that lol so I will save that for another blog!

To be cont. :) I have to get back to work!