Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My ex!

whats good yall :) yea i know its been a while im soooooooo sry! lets see whats new? I guess i will fill you in on my new love interest since thats the whats on my mind right now. Ok so his name is, well we'll just call him LA ;) Boy did I luck out with this one *sarcastic voice* Now you know I always pull the psychos lol I never fail lol Everything was all good in the beginning it just seemed he was tryna play the fielld have his cake and eat it too type thing ya know... Well I did a lil investigation after he made me his girl ( i had to fight for that too) but yea so we made it official and I started snooping (its only right lol) I found shorty # so ofcourse I didnt call I wouldnt do that lol ( I had my friend call lol) and boy was i in for a rude awakening. My man has a baby on the way! yup yup but get this he been with shorty over 5yrs so I aint the one getting played really she is! I was like whoa I actually felt bad for her cuz me I could dip but she's having his baby and invested 5yrs already smh.... so i stuck around just because he did it for me! I was happy & its not like i wanna get married or anything lol but all that changed he started acting like a liar and a cheater! Its like now he felt he had nothing to hide so his attitude was like i dont give a fuck.... hehehe two could play that game! I got shorty anything he asked, phone was in my name so i paid the bill, he had keys to my crib smh now im all for catering to my man, willing to do any and everything for my man but thats when he's MY MAN! not when im sharing him with this next bitch and i dont even get half lmao hell no! i dont care how sexy u are or how good the dick is cuz there is always better :) word! so i been putting up with the bullshit mainly cuz i didnt want to lose him but i dont even know what im scared of losing! hes a worthless, good for nothing, broke, selfish, lying ass, baby making, hood nigga! lmfao I'll pass! :-* M

Monday, January 5, 2009


This blog is dedicated to my first aka the one who took my virginity. R.I.P Jamar you were something special... and you will be missed. I love you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Psycho Central Pt.2

OMG the funniest shit happened the other day I have to share it with yall lol

Ok so I used to talk to this guy named.... well we just gonna call him missing fingers lmao
SO yea I haven't seen him in months but I guess he was missing the kid :) Nigga couldn't find my number so instead of coming by one evening and knocking on the door he comes by at 3am and knocks on my window! But get this he had the wrong window lmao so my roomie wakes me up thinking someone is breaking into the house and he bounces when he seen Dee was yelling out the window like "who da fuck are you" lmao and she seen da white max pull off No one knew who he was till yesterday nigga hits me on aim and is like "i came by the other day I was knocking on your window but I guess you wasn't home" lmao "but home girl scared me from upstairs so i told her i had the wrong house" like wtf is that psycho or what?! Idk yall my roomie banned me from bagging dudes anymore cuz I always get the psychos smh

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Psycho Central

Guess what everybody?! Psychos are on the prowl! lmao

The sun is out and i guess when the mosquitoes come so do the psychos! Two of my ex's who are the exact definition of a psycho hit me up mad random the other day. I was shocked lol but then not so surprised because psychos always find a way lol I was also hit on by a new psycho from my school smh Here's the 411....

Psycho #1 who I haven't seen in almost two years found me on myspace >:o and asked my cousin where I live and for my number and her stupid ass gave it to him! so he harassed me and spit his best G which i always seem to fall for smh and convinced me that he was gonna pick me up and we was gonna chill that night...It never fails psychos always get there way so we chilled and i actually had fun but do i really need another psycho on my hand :'(

Psycho #2 who i haven't dealt with since last summer randomly emailed me lol and of course i respond back like who's this giving him the chance to start conversation :( now hes been calling and said hes gonna call every 5min. until he sees me its been 3hrs and so far hes kept his word lmao so I decide to meet up with him and does the calling stop? of course not Smfh >:o

Psycho #3 is this guy from my school who tries to talk to me every time i pass him in the hallway...which is everyday yall? but i always walk away *hint hint* lol so anyway he was very persistent and one day we happen to bump into each other (personally i think he planned it smh) and he grabs my arm and says im not letting you get away this time....WTF?! lmao so we exchange numbers and we talked that night I think he thinks im his girl now :( smh lol

Do i have a sign on my head that says "This way psychos!" idk man I always end up with a psycho :( i need a psycho radar so I can walk the other way or psycho repellent so they will just stay away ughhh! I thought opposites attract?! I have a few psycho tendencies myself now lol

I am now stuck with three psychos on my hands and I don't know how to get out of this one lol 1 psycho i can handle but three? idk man Any advice?! The sad part is im attracted to all three of these psychos lol and I so am feeling there swag :-/ but I refuse to be dealing with a psycho this summer! Lmao NOT AGAIN!

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Real Friend

I'm 4yrs old and and while sitting in the sandbox a 6yr old comes and snatches my bottle and begins drinking my milk :(
A friend would share theirs with me, but a real friend would put they bottle down and go after the 6yr old yelling "Janel get the bottle" lol

I'm 10 yrs old and my 4th grade teacher left a note in my book for my mom about how I been misbehaving in class :(
A friend would feel bad and bring the homework over after school, but a real friend would photo copy the note and get in trouble with me so we can have each other to talk to in detention.

I'm 16 yrs old and I think I might be pregnant :( but I'm scared to take a pregnancy test
A friend would be asking mad questions like who's the baby father? did you tell your mom?, but a real friend only wants to know when I'm going to the clinic so she can skip class to come with me.

I'm 20 and I'm 5 months pregnant and I just found out my baby died, I'm in the hospital bed starving because I'm not supposed to eat before the operation :(
A friend is waiting to hear from me to see how I'm doing because she heard I lost the baby, but a real friend is in the cafeteria of the hospital sneaking me some food before my surgery.

I'm 30yrs old and my boyfriend of 7yrs just proposed to me :)
A friend would be calling to congratulate me on the good news, but a real friend would be at my house slapping the shit out of me because she knows the bullshit I went through with this guy for the past 7yrs and she cant believe I'm still with him let alone marrying him.

I'm 60yrs old and I'm planning to retire, All my friends decide to throw me a retirement party
A friend would show up with some knitted quilts and arts &crafts, a real friend would slip me a bottle of Moet with a note saying "Once these old hags leave the real fun begins ;) You ready for Chocolate Thunder?"

I'm on my death bed and there's one last thing I want but I can't seem to get the words out :(
A friend would be by my side asking "What is it? What can I get you?", but a real friend would be in their car heading back from McDonald's bringing me my double cheeseburger so I can die with a smile on my face :)

I love all my friends both the real and not so real... Lmao

Thursday, April 17, 2008

He's a reflection of me

It's crazy how I look at you and don't see what I thought I would, but as I look at myself I see things that I never thought I could, when you speak I disregard your image, I see the power behind your words, and when you laugh I don't see your smile but the reason for your joy, and when you cry I don't see see your tears but what it is causing your pain, When you stare with such compassion there's a lost soul in yours eyes, your powerful voice drains out the noise but I hear your silent cries, its like deep within you is a profound reflection of me, it seems the deeper i look into you, the more of myself I see, we wondered would the same rules apply if the tables turned as we stared into each other trying to establish this bond we earned, you looked into my wandering eyes and saw direction, behind my fear you saw protection, as I spoke of my insecurities you heard pride in my voice, and in my painful tears was courage beyond my years, but thats not what I am, thats the soul of another man, you said right, what we've established it true, If you divide my hurt, multiply my strength, and add my love the result would be you....

I love you Daddy regardless of everything :) I am definitely my father's child!

A Mother's Love

A mothers love should have no limits, its unconditional right? Well thats just what they say, but thats comes from the mothers who's children didn't seem to stray; life takes toll and then that nightmare of yours suddenly becomes real, that endless love, remember that mom is that still how you feel? You slowly drift away and unknowingly turn away from us and then we're left alone with no one there to trust, remember my first love the one who took my virginity, well I remember you saying that he wasn't good enough for me, I hated how you did that just accentuated his flaws, but I swore you would never see a glimpse of what I saw, so many times we fought and I left to be with him, the many times I lied to you to go commit a sin, I was so hateful towards you I mean ever word drawn me farther away, its like kicking me out of your life with everything you would say; and I thought this was the end of us until it came a day, when I came home crying and you pulled me close and said "Baby, it will be ok", the anger you had built up inside had suddenly been cleared, and the hatred I accumulated had quickly disappeared, I took comfort in you which I hadn't done in a while and you consoled me, your daughter, your seed, you first born child....

I lvoe you Mommy regardless of everything!