Thursday, May 15, 2008

Psycho Central

Guess what everybody?! Psychos are on the prowl! lmao

The sun is out and i guess when the mosquitoes come so do the psychos! Two of my ex's who are the exact definition of a psycho hit me up mad random the other day. I was shocked lol but then not so surprised because psychos always find a way lol I was also hit on by a new psycho from my school smh Here's the 411....

Psycho #1 who I haven't seen in almost two years found me on myspace >:o and asked my cousin where I live and for my number and her stupid ass gave it to him! so he harassed me and spit his best G which i always seem to fall for smh and convinced me that he was gonna pick me up and we was gonna chill that night...It never fails psychos always get there way so we chilled and i actually had fun but do i really need another psycho on my hand :'(

Psycho #2 who i haven't dealt with since last summer randomly emailed me lol and of course i respond back like who's this giving him the chance to start conversation :( now hes been calling and said hes gonna call every 5min. until he sees me its been 3hrs and so far hes kept his word lmao so I decide to meet up with him and does the calling stop? of course not Smfh >:o

Psycho #3 is this guy from my school who tries to talk to me every time i pass him in the hallway...which is everyday yall? but i always walk away *hint hint* lol so anyway he was very persistent and one day we happen to bump into each other (personally i think he planned it smh) and he grabs my arm and says im not letting you get away this time....WTF?! lmao so we exchange numbers and we talked that night I think he thinks im his girl now :( smh lol

Do i have a sign on my head that says "This way psychos!" idk man I always end up with a psycho :( i need a psycho radar so I can walk the other way or psycho repellent so they will just stay away ughhh! I thought opposites attract?! I have a few psycho tendencies myself now lol

I am now stuck with three psychos on my hands and I don't know how to get out of this one lol 1 psycho i can handle but three? idk man Any advice?! The sad part is im attracted to all three of these psychos lol and I so am feeling there swag :-/ but I refuse to be dealing with a psycho this summer! Lmao NOT AGAIN!

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

aint that the truth i got a a hello, do check me out one day when u can rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, please comment and fell free to
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